Friday, March 8, 2013

A Tricky Tie Picture Problem

I scheduled the kid's Easter pictures for this Saturday, not thinking about the fact that this is a really busy week OR that I usually want to make hair bows and gather props for pictures. I certainly wasn't thinking about how two kids means twice the picture prep!

I found Joshua's outfit months ago at a consignment sale, so I also wasn't considering that it might not fit him. (It doesn't) I also hadn't bought Lydia's dress yet, so I had the opportunity to buy her something that matched his outfit (but I didn't). So, I had some work to do!

Lydia's dress is pink, so it coordinated with the tan color of Joshua's pants and vest, but I wanted a little more matching. I decided his tie needed to have some pink, but couldn't find one and didn't have time to make one.

I did, however, have some pink and tan striped ribbon and fabric glue.

In the end the look from far away was pretty good. There were some ends that needed more glue, which wasn't a big deal. However, up close it felt really stiff and the texture of the ribbon was different from the texture if the tie.

So I peeled off the ribbon and tried a different approach, I painted it!

I figured I could always glue ribbon on top if the paint if I didn't like it. Here you can see the comparison between one painted stripe and one ribbon stripe. I really like the paint and just wish I had done that first so that I wasn't also painting over old dried glue.

Here is the finished tie in its new color scheme.... Picture Perfect!

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