Friday, June 22, 2012

FINAL Super Why Giveaway Posy!

Today is the FINAL post for Super Why Live giveaway for FOUR tickets to the July 21st show at the TN Theater in Knoxville. Today's post is all about my personal favorite super friend, Wonder Red!

She starts out as Little Red Riding Hood, but when she changes into Wonder Red she gets a pair of skates and the power to rhyme.

Wonder Red sings a little song about rhyming, something like "day, say, pay, wonderific your terrific!" After a year of watching Lydia do pattern stuff at preschool, it suddenly occurred to me that READING involves sound patterns and simple rhymes are an easy way to learn these similar sound words.

In honor of Wonder Red and, my own pattern making word rhyming red head, today's comments (which count as your daily entry into the contest) can be anything you want but they need to RHYME!

I'll start us off.
Thanks for playing along.
I can't wait to hear a Super Why Live song!

Comments will close and a winner will be selected tomorrow. If you missed any earlier posts, you have TODAY to go back and add your comments! Links are provided below.

Day 1Monday
Day 2 Tuesday
Day 3 Wednesday
Day 4 Thursday


  1. My favorite Super Why character is Red too!
    Although I had never thought of her looking like you.
    Thanks for sharing this week!
    Of the results, I can't wait to peek
    If I win the tickets I will be enthused
    And Isaiah will be more than amused
    To see his favorite Super Why characters live
    Will be like magic right in front of his eyes :-)

  2. My Grand Son and I
    Love to watch Super Why
    We would love to see Wonder Red
    with her cap on her head.

  3. Super Why?
    Rhyming's fly.
    Would be pleased to see you,
    Me and my little lady-loo.

  4. Your super why blog segment has been so fun.
    For doing this, you are number one.
    How do you have time to do all that you do?
    Actually, I think the super-hero is YOU!

  5. Because I don't know how to close comments from my iPhone, let this serve as notice that any comments posted after this one will NOT be entered in the ticket giveaway drawing.

  6. Wait ‘till you watch the third season, because you’ll be grateful you watched the older seasons for a reason.
