Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Eve
Monday, December 21, 2009
Daycare Christmas Party
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The only thing better than a new toy, is the box!
I got a new dishwasher, an AMAZING new dishwasher. Before you get too jealous, keep in mind that the old dishwasher was warn to the metal in several places and that metal was getting RUSTY! Lydia was also getting very curious about said dishwasher and would occasionally try to climb into it to play with the rusty spiky parts and try to get to the shiny knives. The solution is a two drawer dishwasher, no spikes, no rust, and the knives can go in the, momentarily too tall for Lydia top drawer.
Isn't it PRETTY? Thanks mom and Dad, I LOVE it!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Liddy Pokey!

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Fantasy of Trees
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Lydia at the Museum

Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Growth of Facebook and the Need for Community
Somehow I got talked into presenting a talk on Facebook and the church. I'm not a Facebook expert or a computer expert of any kind. I just like explaining things in powerpoint format. Anyway, the agreed upon date arrived and I scurried to figure out what I was going to say. I wanted to go further than just showing people at how to use Facebook with the idea that they could then access church announcements via Facebook instead of the newsletter or e-mails. It just seemed like replacing an existing tool with a shiny new tool that does the same thing. I kept finding all these statistics about how exponentially Facebook was growing, how exponentially all things about this new digital age seem to be happening. If you don't believe me, check out the "Did you Know" video that has gone viral on You Tube. I'd provide a link, but I'm lazy and its viral, you can probably find it. Anyway, what I kept running into is this idea that everything is speeding up and getting smaller and digitized and faster. Kids in school today will be applying for jobs in a few years that haven't even been invented yet. That sort of thing. Anyway. At the same time that life keeps getting faster and we are getting more and more plugged into computers and networks, social networks are exploding. There was a time when life was calmer and you would say "hi" to your neighbor and ask how it is going. I think we miss that. I think we all need to be part of a community. For many of us, we had instant community in school and maybe we are lucky enough to have a good work community. But the explosion of social networking sites makes me think most of us still desire a connection to a community in which we really "fit". I am fortunate to have found several really unique communities to fit into. My family is currently connected in a way I have never experienced before, via Facebook. I know what cousins who live thousands of miles away had for dinner and all the other minutia of life that adds up to a connection that is almost as good as you get when you live or work near someone. I have a great group of girlfriends that participate in a book group. Mostly a social occasion, but once a month we read the same thing and even if we don't discuss it in full, it gives us an excuse to get together. I have a church that I am now attending regularly. Again as much social as spiritual. I finally know enough people who also attend to make it interesting. As an added bonus several other friends have also started attending and we all go to lunch each week after services giving more incentive to attend regularly. As I explained during the Facebook talk, fro many of us the idea is come for the community, stay for the sermon. Which brings me back to my presentation. I found 3 ways that Facebook can enhance a community. Considering that most people are on Facebook looking for community, this seems like a natural fit for any community type group looking to connect with new members. First, groups can have fan pages to announce their events. This is the first way most groups think of, but seems like the least effective to me. The fan page speaks only to members of the group who are also members of the Facebook community AND who are members of the fan page. Preaching to the choir if you asked me! The two other connections are WAY more interesting in my view. First, individuals post status updates about what they are doing. If I am involved in a group and doing things with it, there is a good chance I am posting status updates about what I am doing. I go to a very social church, so its kind of fun what 4 or 5 people I know are all posting how much fun they are having at our beauty pageant in which the men are the beauties or playing Texas hold'em at a church event. I added it up and if myself and the 15 people I am friends with on Facebook all post about an event at church, we have 5,000 friends between us who hear about what is going on at my church. Talk about outreach for any group! The last idea is that by reading your friends status updates you get a good sense of the climate of some one's life. I am very hesitant to ask for help and things would have to get PRETTY bad for me to put in a prayer request at church. But I ready friend's posts and know that they are looking for work or contemplating divorce. The leaders of a group can get a better sense of what their members need, but also the members of a group begin to see ways that they can offer help and the responsibility doesn't just stay with the leader. So people who are looking for a community through Facebook, can often come in contact with some existing real life communities that are looking to grow their membership. Sounds like a win/win to me, but I'm no expert.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
What my students did for Turkey Day.
Once upon a time, my art room was in an old building, way up a hill, and far far away from the rest of the school. One of the perks to our old digs was a large hallway of floor to ceiling bulletin boards that connected the three art rooms. On the day before Thanksgiving break we would let the kids create a "Turkey Wall" of turkey inspired graffiti. It was always fun to see what creative things they came up with. This year, I put a few big pieces of brown paper on the walls in my room and let my students have at it. It wasn't quite the same as when all of the students from the entire department inspired each other in the dark halls of old G building, but it was fun all the same. Happy Turkey Day, from the students of ORHS VA 103!
Several students went non-traditional, with Chicken "wangs" and lobsters offering to save the turkeys.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The art room is FUN (and messy)
Daycare was closing early today, so Jen was plan B, but she got sick, so on to plan C... Lydia came to school with me and then went to stay with a very good friend for a few hours in the afternoon. Here are a few of the things we learned at high school today.
Big kids have REALLY big chairs and tables!
Dry erase markers and erasers are WAY more fun (and more messy) than crayons!
Mommy has TOO MANY books on her shelves. Good thing Lydia helped out by taking them OFF of said shelf! Overall she was a very good girl. She entertained the big kids and herself for an hour or so and then fell asleep on cue when we left during lunch. I wouldn't want to do it everyday, but i am very thankful it worked out today.

Gobble Gobble!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sliding into Winter

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hangin' with Nana and Popop

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Diana, Goddess of the Hunt.

Now, like Dianna I too feel the need to hunt ....... for that adorable Anna Maria fabric with the deer and houses that I used in the background. Maybe I can make Lydia a new dress from it. I'll keep you posted.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hop, Skip, Jump, HELP!
You know the saying, something is just a hop, skip and a jump away? Lydia knows it too, only its more like everything is suddenly a tug, a pull, and a leap away! Lydia has been tugging and pulling and (scariest of all) leaping into all sorts of locations that used to be off limits. Technically, most of them are still off limits, just no longer inaccessible! I turn around to do something in the kitchen and suddenly Lydia is sitting right next to me on a stool. Hmm, sitting may be the wrong term. If she has made it to the kitchen stool, chances are good she is not content to sit. She is probably still climbing, trying to tug, pull, leap, her way onto the island. Where to go from there? I suppose she will have to work on the hop, skip, and the jump between the island and the light fixture!

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Lydia and Jen (in costume)

Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Little Witch of the South!

We went to JCPenney's Portrait Studio yesturday. Grammy was in town, so she got to join in the fun. There were several last minute changes, change of appointment date and time due to my jury duty and even a change in costumes a day before the pictures, but I am so happy with how everything turned out. More pictures coming soon. Happy Halloween from some southern witches!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
What the Witches Ate and Drank

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