Saturday, July 7, 2012

Crafting a Big Sister Hospital Bracelet

Maybe I have been away from my craft room for to long, or maybe it's the pain meds talking, but when presented with an opportunity to do a little crafting from my hospital bedside, I jumped at the chance.

Here's the story. Mommy and daddy and baby Joshua all have these super cool new hospital bracelets.... and four year old Lydia is obsessed with them and VERY aware that she doesn't have one! To make matters worse, Lydia is also the only family member who has not been allowed to meet the baby (NICU prevents children from visiting)

I can't change the fact that children can't visit the NICU. I don't have a hospital bracelet to give to Lydia as I need mine to visit the baby. However, I do have access to medical tape, scissors, and a sharpie marker!

So, here is my tutorial for crafting a child size pretend hospital bracelet using only supplies found in an actual hospital room. I recognize that this is silly (again it could just be the pain meds...but it makes me laugh...and then my incision hurts)

First, I cut off a length of hospital tape. I folded the tape in half so that it wasn't sticky anymore. I had these neat stickers for storing my pumped milk. They have my name and lots of official looking numbers on them. I put one sticker on Lydia's bracelet.

And the I added a few finishing details, like rounding the edges and cutting a few holes down the length of one end.

And here's the finished "Big Sister Bracelet" on a very happy big sister's wrist!

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