Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Super Why Giveaway Day 3

Princess Presto is the Super Why character with the power to spell.

She has a magic star wand that she uses to spell words.

In honor of Princess Presto, and to be entered in the drawing for FOUR tickets to see Super Why Live at the TN Theater on July 21, simply comment with a word that you often spell around your kids do they don't know what the grown ups are talking about. (I love that my kid is learning to spell, but what am I going to once I cant use this trick?) Remember, you can enter multiple times, just by commenting on each separate Super Why Giveaway post!


  1. TOY, but she can spell dog and cat, so she will figure out toy soon! :)

  2. This post made me realize that I don't spell things in front of Isaiah to keep him from knowing what I'm talking about. I honestly can't remember doing this!

  3. I can't win the prize... although that would be SWEET... but I have to laugh about this. I think I spell most of my conversations anymore! The usual is d-i-d-i. That's what Luci calls her blanket and if I can't find it and don't want her to realize I always spell it. Otherwise she will go into a panic searching for it!

  4. "Park" is the word in our house. It's amazing how well that word travels through the house. Even around the dog we spell this word or he runs to the door and stands by his leash until we go.

  5. I thought I posted to this but I don't see it so Sorry if this shows up twice. Must spell B-A-T-H around here. Otherwise, I hear screaming, running feet up the stairs and "Nooooo! I don wanna bath!!"

    Oh, also, our dog speaks English. Heaven forbid you say the word "treat" in front of him or his head perks up and he runs and scratches at the pantry door until you give him one. So, we spell it when he's around. If you mention "Baxter needs a bath" he also understands and will quietly sneak away and hide under a bed. I swear It's the truth! Must spell "bath" around any of the crazy critters in our house.

  6. SNACK! It seems that is the word we hear most often

  7. Be because I don't know how to close comments from my iPhone, let this serve as notice that any comment posted after this one will NOT be entered in the ticket giveaway drawing.
