Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I am going to be on an episode of the new TLC show Craft Wars!!!!!!!

I am clearly visible on the promo for a certain TV SHOW, so according to my best understanding of the LENGTHY confidentiality paperwork that I signed, I can share anything that is already public information. So, here is as much as I can currently share about this BIG PROJECT that I have been I working on (making audition videos, being interviewed, completing tons of paperwork, etc.) since before Christmas!

There's the host of Craft Wars, Tori Spelling! The news that she was hosting was actually revealed to the world some time ago in a press release. That press release is actually how I found out the names of all of the judges, the night before we filmed our episode.

The initial press release also made public the fact that TLC was the network airing the show and Michael's Craft Stores was the major sponsor and would be providing the supplies.  Below is a still shot from the promo (sorry, don't click on it, it won't play from the picture) showing Tori in front of the Michael's Craft Closet.  I wish I could have stayed and played in it for hours!  OK technically I did get to play for a while, but I want to PLAY.. without a time limit or stress! Isn't it PRETTY?  

If you are on Twitter, Tori and the other judges (Stephen Brown: author, founder of Glitterville Studios, Erica Domesek: founder of the DIY company P.S.-I made this, and Jo Pearson: creative expert for Michaels for the past 25 years) have been tweeting pictures and comments while filming the show. Here is a picture that appeared on Twitter (and therefore became public knowledge) shortly after we went to LA. It is weird to realize that the judges were going out to lunch and enjoying themselves while we were freaking out about finishing our projects on time!

Also in the press release (and therefor also public knowledge) is the name of the production company, Super Delicious. Super Delicious (according to their own website... And therefore ALSO public knowledge) is the production company behind Cupcake Wars. Hmmm, Cupcake Wars..... Craft Wars..... Sounds like a really similar premise for a show (based strictly on the similar titles.... which are public knowledge!)

 OK, back to the promo for the show!  There I am sewing away on something (whatever it is is and however it turns out is NOT public knowledge!) and saying "It's CRAZY", which makes everyone in my family crack up.  Here's the story, which has nothing to do with Craft Wars, so confidentiality agreements shouldn't matter.  PJ was once on "Diner's, Dives, and Drive In's when they filmed at Pizza Palace in Knoxville.  He was sick and driving the car hauler and just trying to get a bite to eat before going home and collapsing.  The film crew noticed the cool car pictures on the car hauler and asked him to unload and be interviewed. PJ, sick as a dog, unloaded and spent a long time talking on camera about how his parent's met at the restaurant, etc. When the show aired, all you saw of PJ was an extreme closeup of his face saying "It's Crazy!"  We kept saying it at the Craft Wars filming, so it cracked me up that THAT is the clip of me on the promo!
 Here is the other clip of me that makes me laugh.  I had to watch the promo a few times before I realized that those rulers were part of our project (the specifics of what we are doing with them is.... you guessed it.... not public knowledge) and then a few more times before i realized those were my hands wielding that glue gun.  The funny thing is SEVERAL friends noticed it and commented on Facebook before I even realized it!  What IS it about that shot that people were able to recognize my hands?!?   OK, so the show definitely starts Tuesday June 26th at 10pm.  I still don't know which episode I am on, so for now we will just have to wait and see.  Until then here is the link to the promo, if you haven't seen it yet!


  1. That is awesome, how did you get on it? I so want to do that!

    1. I saw a call for "Crafters who could think on their feet" on Craftzine's blog. On a whim, I sent in an email and some links to this blog. I knew very few details and only had the working title. I didn't find out that it was called Craft Wars until the week we filmed! It was about 3 months of non-stop paperwork and interviews and video submissions before we got word that we were in!

  2. Congratulations! I will have to tune in to see :)

  3. I am SO excited about this show! I'm following all the links from friends' blogs to learn more about other contestants (which is how I found you). Congrats!

  4. So fun!! I would L-O-V-E to get on this show. Gah! ;) You're so lucky:] Keep us posted if you have any tips on being a contestant in the future. Can't wait to see your show! New follower!
    -camille larson
