Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Crafting Overload!

Are you sick of me talking about Craft Wars yet? To tell you the truth I am kind of sick of the adrenaline rush crazy going on in my head! I am more nervous than I want to admit about what they are going to show and how they are going to make us look!

I am still wearing the leather bracelet that I made for the weekend we filmed the show. I am still trying to remind myself to relax and enjoy this fun experience. This should be fun, right? Good, bad, or ugly I will be surrounded by friends tonight to watch the product of a heck of a lot of hard work, right?

Of course I can't just focus on calming my nerves because, well because I'm me! Hi, have we met? I don't really DO calm, do I! My head is SWIMING with all the things I want to do and make in the next few days. First there is the Craft Wars premier. I can't be content to watch it quietly, now can I? Nope, there is a party and by god I plan to do a little party planning!

Then there is the "four and fabulous" party coming up. I am being WAY less stressed about this year's party, but that is beginning to stress me out! I only have a few days to focus on the details that I usually obsess over for weeks.

And then, because I don't have enough to think about, I heard an announcement while shopping that JoAnn's is having a DIY baby nursery contest. I crafted EVERYTHING in my nursery and am desperately trying to finish it all up I the next week or so. So, of course the contest deadline is the same day as Lydia's party! I just need to take some video and pictures to submit and it would be a shame not to at least try.

Deep down I wonder if the universe isn't getting me to focus on finishing baby stuff because time IS getting short. I'm 34 weeks today and I had Lydia at the end of 35! Hmm maybe I should focus on relaxing a little while I still can! Anyways, wish me luck on either getting everything done or getting over the idea that do much needs to get done. Updates soon on all the projects that are in the works and, of course, on whatever happens tonight on the show!


  1. Congratulations on winning Craft wars! Saw the show tonight dug to find your blog. Your bag was hands down even unfinished WAY better and much more wearable than your competitions. Very creative. Have a good day :)

    1. Thank you SO much for finding my log and leaving such kind words!
