PJ seemed to have fun with his outfit. I made it out of 2 sweaters from Goodwill. The 4 sleeves became hand and foot coverings. The hood from one sweater became the headpiece, mostly to cover his human ears. One sweater was worn on his chest and the rest was cut up to become ears, a tail, and extra furry bits. I was able to reuse the circus jacket from several years ago. I am reasonably happy with the costume, but the makeup and pillbox hat may get some tweeking before we go out tonight. I tried to make our car look like the yellow brick road with the emerald city in the distance and Dorthy's house landing on a witch in the foreground. It looked good, but by the time the festivities began it was too dark to see what it was. Next year, lights will have to be involved!
So here we are. Mommy is Halloween, and Daddy is a monkey! Happy Halloween!